Research Tools
Organise your research & research papers
Mendeley (collect and organise your research documents, notes and citations) Mendeley is a free online app which allows you to collect all of your notes for research projects and assignments. It offers facilities to read an annotate documents, document sharing options, and options for creating bibliographies and managing resource lists. The app does need to be downloaded and installed, but it can also be used as a web service / cloud hosting. It is more suited to FE and HE than school use.
Wolfram Alpha (statistical information) A search engine which is really good for statistical information. It returns the answer to a search providing graphs, and also allows for comparative data eg: population of the UK vs India. It is an invaluable resource for assignments, largely because of how the data is presented in graphs, or visually.
Zetoc Journals Database This online database created by University of Manchester using British Library records can be used to search for a comprehensive range of journal articles: 'We are one of the world's most comprehensive research databases, giving you access to over 36,000 journals and more than 59 million article citations and conference papers through the British Library's electronic table of contents and over 875,000 OA article citations and conference papers from PubMed.'
Ngram Viewer (Literary Search tool) This tool searches Google Books This fascinating site indexes the words in the books that Google has digitized. This means if you want to track the popularity of a word, or when it was most likely first used, you can search with Ngram viewer to see the frequency of the word appearing in Google books.