Making your own Mask


The debate on wearing face masks seems to be shifting towards having them in public. Today's blog looks at options for masks. 

1) Make a mask out of a sock

There are a number of versions of this video going round, but it seems to be the simplest, no-sew option out there. All you need is a sock, and some scissors: Youtube has a range of videos showing you how to do this.

2) Make a mask out of a T-shirt

This Video from the Telegraph shows you how to turn a T-shirt into a mask. Again, this is an easy no-sew option. 

3) Simple mask - hand stitching: 

This mask making tutorial has 3 different sizes, providing for a range of fits. Plus, you can use fabric that you like. 

4) Crochet a face mask: 

If you can crochet, then this simple tutorial could be for you. 

5) Sew a 'medical' face mask

If you are a crafty sort, and able to sew, this tutorial shows you how to make a more sophisticated mask, and includes a downloadable pdf pattern.

Or you can try this one where a doctor explains how to make the Safest Mask, but this is more challenging. 

6) If you're not at all crafty, a scarf can be used, tied across your face. And of course, it can still be a pretty fashion accessory in the distance.  

7) And finally, if you really want to buy one, Amazon has them for sale. And they have many that are ringfenced for NHS staff, protecting their supply. 

Stay safe!

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