Finding a new direction


As the Covid crisis continues, we're finding new ways to live and work. Sadly, many people are facing unemployment, while others are recognizing that they need to find a new direction. Our world is changing, and today's blog highlights some tools to help you find a new direction. 

Careers advice and guidance is prominent in schools, colleges and universities today, but if you're over 30, chances are you never had the benefit of these resources. Life is too short to spend in a job you hate, and part of finding the right job is knowing yourself, and your skills. The resources below will help you to do that. 

Careers testing

These tests look at a combination of skills and interests, and recommend potential careers for you. The basic reports are free, but for more detailed reports, you may need to pay.

  • 123 Test has a range of careers, personality and work based tests to try. Their careers test will help identify areas of work to consider. 
  • Truity looks at personality types, and offers several different personality tests. My preferred option is Myers Briggs, because I have found it the most accurate and useful. Using these tests helps to find the area of work that will most suit your personality. 
  • Career Fitter offers a ten minute free careers test, which produces a profile of your personality, and the types of careers that may suit you. The basic report is free, but there is a charge for the full report, with specific jobs. 

Aptitude testing

These tests look at what you are good at, by testing your skills, such as numerical reasoning, logical reasoning, situational judgement etc. This can help you find the type of work you are good at. They are more demanding, but it is a good idea to practice them, as companies often use tests like these in their recruitment processes. 

  • Wiki Job has 9 free aptitude tests, as well as practice interview questions, and information on key competencies, all of which will help you prepare for applying for jobs. 
  • Assessment day has 18 different types of aptitude tests. Their resources index gives a range of tips to help with different types of testing. 
  • Practice Aptitude tests have 213 tests for you to try

Knowing yourself, and what you like to do, is a vital part of finding a job that you will enjoy, and stick with. 

In our previous blog, we looked at tools for creating a CV. In our next blogs, we'll be looking at finding job opportunities and setting up your own small business. 

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