Data Tools
The links on this page are for advanced tools for working with data and digitization.
Open Refine - tool for dealing with messy data. It works with Faceting and data clustering, and can be used to reconcile with external databases.
'OpenRefine is a powerful free, open source tool for working with messy data: cleaning it; transforming it from one format into another; and extending it with web services and external data.'
Transkribus - digitize handwritten documents
If you have a large selection of handwritten documents, then Transkribus can help you to convert them to a digital format. It works best when you have a large number of pages in the same handwriting, and ideally not in a tabulated form.
Zooniverse - find volunteers to help with your digital project, or volunteer to help others with their research.
'Thank you for your interest in helping real research. Here we've gathered a few projects we could really use your help on right now. For more options just scroll down to browse all of our active projects.'