
In consumer societies, we frequently have more 'stuff' than we can use, and often no longer want items that could be useful to someone else. There are some excellent sites that help dispose of unwanted items, but also help people to find things they need. It's a win - win situation, and it's environmentally friendly because it keeps stuff out...

One of the most important aspects of internet safety is ensuring your passwords are secure. But long, complicated passwords are really difficult to remember. So how do you create passwords that are secure and easy to remember?

It's easy to use the internet to make phone calls, both national and international, for free - as long as you have an internet connection and some software. There are options for both smart phones and computers. You may even have this facility without realising it.

In recent weeks, you've probably received multiple emails at the new Data Protection laws - GDPR- which have explained what data companies have on you, and whether or not you want to remain on their mailing lists. It has been a great opportunity to get rid of emails that you wanted at one time, but are no longer of interest....

If you're old enough, you'll remember the days when the only way to save pictures and articles of interest was a pinboard stuck up on the wall. (At this point, I have to confess I still have one of these too!) But how do you save stuff you find interesting on the internet? Somehow setting a bookmark from the page...

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