
Sending money overseas to friends and family, or even purchasing items from another country, travelling and spending in other countries can incur substantial banking charges, and can be complex.

Photo booths used to be the cheap and easy way to get the photos for passports and visas. The alternative was to go to the post office, or find a photographer who could produce the necessary images.

When you're young, pensions are the last thing on your mind, but actually, the earlier you start to save for your retirement, the more financial security you will have in later life. Even Freelancers need to retire!

Freelancing is tough, and a recent question from a friend on Facebook prompted today's post, which offers ideas of where to get help when you need it.

If you are doing research, need to collect information, have forms to be completed by your clients, or want to set up a meeting, surveys are a very useful tool.

Whether you are an individual, running a business, or working as part of a team, Project Management tools can be invaluable.

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